Greg, we are all utilitarians no matter which philosophical school we choose to swim with. Mother Love defies that categorization and is the exception in human commerce and organization. If you know the ballad of "The Wreck of Old 99" you may also know that it is a story about the price which someone must always pay for the greater good--in this case the loss of life on the fast mail trains of the 19th century. The mail must go through "on time"; the loss of life is an acceptable price unless it's the love of YOUR life who dies. The commuter must also go through as must the beer trucks and so the personal and social utility of getting to work or having a brewsky numbs our dread of highway carnage. We send our boys to war. They die defending life, liberty and the pursuit of abstractions. We accept their sacrifice as terrible but necessary. Utilitarian was the occupational definition of the social animal before it became the intellectual property of your least favorite philosophe.
