Hi Raimey,
thanks for the info on the 'Z' or rather 'L' = Kelber.

There is absolutely nothing on the lugs.
The only mark which I had overlooked
(or thought it was part of the British reproof marks (my god, they need a bloody big gun to find space for all the marks they find it necessary to stamp on!)
is the one on the attached photos (the round one in the centre)
which is on the left side of the lower barrel just in front of the extractor.
(2 photos because I think one is clearer than the other but can't make up my mind which one)

Looks like it could be 2 marks, one overlaid on the other?
Could that be an anchor?

re marks on knuckle: yes, BNP - Birmingham - Nitro Proof

thanks and regards

Last edited by Gunter; 05/01/12 07:23 AM.