jack, we did in fact get all of those anti-gun iniatives referenced in this thread. We did in fact get two very anti-gun Supreme Court justices whom we will have to deal with long after Obama leaves office. You call that screaming fire in an empty theatre? Really?

It appears that some of the predictions made about Obama in 2008 were quite accurate. Why don't you help Gnomoron a bit and tell us how having Obama for four more years will be good for gun rights.

Obama is just the latest and greatest in a long line of anti-gun politicians. The pendulum swings both ways as we lose ground and then regain it. Apparently, you would have us ignore the threat. Thanks for all your help.

As you say... what a joke.

Love your rainbow bumper sticker.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.