The current occupant of the White House has shown utter disdain for Congress and he'll use "Executive Order" to implement whatever he wants when he no longer has to face re-election.
The major point that restrained him in 2008 was the 60 + members of Congress who are Democrats wrote a letter stating they would NOT support any attempt to return to the "Assault weapons ban" of the Clinton era.
Oh and Rabbit. Go back and look at the 2008 Democrat platform where the institution of just such an assault ban is part of it. It's right there in black and white I've posted it before and I'm not going to the trouble of posting it again! His stated goal of instituting another ban along with other gun restrictive legislation was on the fool's web site for several days after the election until someone in his administration took it down.
Inaccuracy ?? B.S. you liberals are the spin guys here and everything you state is in this category. The reason we aren't arguing with anyone is everyone else except you liberals know what we're stating is factual.
On the other hand you have NO facts to refute what we've posted to back up your inane position.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.