Originally Posted By: italiansxs
If there's anyone on this forum under 30 please post your picture now. I'm concerned that we won't have enough members left to serve as pallbearers in another 5 years. shocked

This is a really crappy picture, but how about my boy, he was 8 when this was taken, blasting away with a 16 gauge 311.
If he had his way it would probably be a Benelli, but he does like shooting Cyrano. We named his gun that because with 28" barrels and an 11" length of pull it looks like a face with a long nose. Just can't bring myself to bob those barrels (it was his great great uncles gun) and I can't find a set of 16 gauge tubes anywhere. I bought a junk stock and cut that down to preserve the original, but no barrels yet.