Originally Posted By: King Brown
I've had more than my share here, Jim. You've heard me say ownership and hunting will be gone as we know it, not in my lifetime but within 25 years the way things are going. My children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren look at me as batty for doing with guns what I do. The hollowing out of our countries of rural to the cities is crimping the old verities of resourcefulness, freedom and independence. It's driving the unwarranted way growing majorities think of safety with fear of everything. The 2nd Amendment will remain despite how its meaning is used. What's important to me is that the US was born out of revolt against misguided authority. Nothing I've seen since of your country believing in its exceptionalism, a light on the hill, its patriotism and jingoism easily the most pervasive throughout the world, makes me think it would defer to misguided authority again. I believe in the people, not wordsmiths.

King, while I hope you are wrong about the demise of hunting, I could not let the rest of your comment pass without noting, in my opinion, the truth of what you say.

America is the light on the hill for the rest of the world, Canada included. It is a remarkable place filled with remarkable people. Unique in it's commitment and attempts throughout it's history to throw off the yoke of oppression and give every citizen opportunity. The world has never seen something similar. I believe you are absolutely correct when you suggest it's citizens would never defer to misguided authority.

It IS the people, not the words on paper, that makes America great.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia