
Move your questions about the Great Depression of 2008 to Misfires, and I will debate you. Or you can study what is already here including the damning data Dave K provided. I have decided that we were probably being baited into political discussions which had nothing to do with guns or the Second Amendment. I further decided to self-police and pull away from those discussions, not because I can't defend my positions, but because so many who have raised those non-gun issues are the very souls who piously proclaim that is why they do not want Gun Control topics in the DoubleGun BBS.

Did you perhaps read my post from early this morning at 2:06 AM? This cuts to the heart of why I disagree with you and your position on gun control. There is no way you can proclaim to be a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and continue to also support politicians who would violate their oath of office and attempt to severely restrict or abolish it. And you do nothing to try to change their position so that you can continue to vote for them because you agree with their other core principals. I am not painting an unfair picture of you. I am reaching my conclusion because that is what you have told us about yourself and your laissez faire attitudes toward gun rights.

This could all go on for days or weeks or months, but it has been very apparent for quite some time that there are a number of members here who have the "Do as I say, not as I do," attitude. I'm sure our host, Dave Weber, has noticed by now that many who proclaimed the pretend fear that these topics would devolve into petty bickering unrelated to any type of gun are the very ones who took us down those side roads. Hypocrisy is such a strong word, but what else could one call such behavior?

Stick to why it is wrong or bad to discuss legislative or political topics that may ultimately affect our right to own any guns, or debate me elsewhere via Misfires or PM's. I took the bait early on, but I've spit out the hook. Those who have wailed, gnashed their teeth, and beat their breasts in mock anguish can try to lure me in again. They tried to fool us, but worse, they tried to fool Dave.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.