Mike, I never even alluded to the possibility that you personally are unaware or unwilling to confront anti-Second Amendment initiatives. But it is blatantly obvious to anyone who has read all 18 pages of this thread that many here are. I don't even harbor the fantasy that Gun Rights threads would cause any conversion among them. But I don't think it would hurt a thing for the many folks who visit this site and seldom or never post to see the issues and know we are engaged and involved. The petty bickering never had to happen. But that happens even in Misfires. I said it several times already. If folks who don't care for these subjects simply did what I do when I see a thread I don't like: Don't click on it, don't go back to it, don't read it... then it would fade into the archives very quickly. But some folks just like to piss and moan. Our friend Last Dollar has probably brought this thread back to the top of the charts more than anyone else. Like a moth to a flame even though he says it burns his wings. Amazing.

I would love to see a poll on this matter, but with one condition. I would like to see voting limited to only those who actually contribute money to Dave Weber for the purpose of maintaining this site. Too many with zero skin in the game, here or in the fight to maintain our rights, flap their jaws and try to thwart debate. A poll tax, if you will. Even then, I acknowledge there is a possibility my side could lose. Many of our International members might not be interested just because our Second Amendment may be of little concern to them. But I would still maintain that the Gun Rights issue never did come close to dominating this forum and what little there is would hardly inconvenience either International members or U.S. members who simply don't click on those threads. Perhaps we could be required to put an asterik in the subject line so everyone would know that it was one of those nasty offensive *Gun Rights* topics. Then you wouldn't inadvertantly click on it and become offended.

But on the other hand, when Dave Weber made his post, he stated he wanted to let this run so he could form his own opinion. I'm sure he's noticed that the other Firearms websites with rigid rules and Gestapo like moderators who don't give members the same latitude he gives to us are not nearly as successful. I'm equally sure that if he wanted a poll, he would have started one right there.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.