many angels can dance on pinheads? Nothing like a Good Ol' companionable and courteous discussion over a few libations around the campfire.

It doesn't matter where Dave chooses to place civil rights discussions. He doesn't eradicate them, after all. There is obviously plenty of 'board' interest here in the subject, apparently.

Should the history, reasoning, and the first rate scholarly material on the '2nd' possibly prove too difficult for the Aunties and their present defenders to assimilate, then how about some outright propaganda?

I swear, the apologists for gun-grabbing are like unto an interminable persistent cockroach infestation, save that the right to effective Raid still exists, despite the best [so far] efforts of Political Criminals to eradicate it.

Kindly remember, that the Right entailed in the Second, is a right of OBLIGATION. As a citizen you are obliged to participate, from the smallest political unit, unto the complete Nation.

There is no question at all that the 18th Century writer's knew what they were saying: individual ownership of and facility with firelock in good order is a political necessity to good civil order and national security. The Auntie congregation of today would have been shown short shrift by those gentleman, who had just paid in family blood and fortune to earn the liberty of free men. Every one of them knew and remembered that the direct precipitating factors of that unpleasantness centered around the Crown's effort to civilly disarm the populace.


Disagree? Then do your own homework and figure out the genesis of the idea, as it lived and breathed for the founders of our Large Political Experiment. As to it's continued success, apparently it's got some wheels, judging from this spirited debate about where to place a discussion.

Last edited by JohnM; 02/06/12 11:54 PM.

Relax; we're all experts here.