Dave Weber has kindly tolerated slightly off topic topics related to gun control many times in the past, and rightly so. The anti's are anti all guns... even the ones with two barrels. Every time we lose our focus and lose an inch, we are one step closer to the day when we either cannot own Doubles or cannot afford to shoot them.

I just skimmed over the past 10 pages of topics in the Doublegun BBS forum. Among the strongly double gun related topics are "Missing Boykin Spaniel", "C&R License Renewal", "Luxury Safes", "Ithaca 37 Question", "Peter Hathaway Capstick", "How Many Wear Blaze Orange?", "USA Today-Poll", and even a birth announcement. Now, I personally don't have a problem with any of them, but I wonder where the righteous indignation was when these were front and center on the Doublegun forum.

Let's face a couple realities here. First, the Misfires forum could be called the Seldom Seen Forum. There are many less threads and many less views there. Second, Gun Control is a never ending quest for many groups and politicians. We would have our heads in the sand if we doubted that or choose to ignore the threat. Third, and perhaps most important, we are entering a very important election cycle. We have an avowed anti-Second Amendment president up for re-election. He has already gotten two very Anti-Gun Supreme Court justices nominated and confirmed. If he gets another chance, we will have an anti-gun majority. If he gets re-elected and no longer has to worry about another term, he will by-pass Congress with Executive Orders. He has already publicly promised to do just that. He could ban lead ammo as an environmental hazard and make millions of acres of Federal land illegal to hunt or shoot firearms on. He could sign the U.N. Gun Ban Treaty, and we would be here on page one crying about having to surrender our guns.

I, for one, would rather be pro-active about my gun rights. I actually read most all of those aforementioned off-topic topics. It really didn't hurt me or take much away from the predominately Double Gun related content. If I did not care for those topics, I could simply skip over them. Why is that so very difficult? And why would anyone here believe that issues related to gun control have no bearing on our ownership of double guns? How many English doubles are here in our country as a result of the restrictions on guns over there? Off Topic? Hardly.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.