Lary; JUST HOW IGNORANT" can you get. Of course I knew what I wrote & remembered it well. MY whole point was we had been flooded with remarks about how the "Government Had Nothing to do with British Proof". Then we are told it was recognized "Because it was State or Government controlled". You can't have it both ways, if it is not mandatory & legally enforced then it isn't recognized. That wasn't a jab Larry, that was meant as an "UpperCut" for the KO, I highly suspect everyone on this board got my point but little ol Dumb you, for you still just can't seem to comprend what you read. I have not changed my stance on this at all, have been totally consistente, the stated purpose simply cannot be acheived without total mandatory proof of every gun sold in the US. No mention has been made of enacting a proof law, "Starting Now", no it has been suggested for those guns already in existence, which were not marked with chamber lengths, bore diameters etc. I'm just trying to get some of you folks to take a long hard look at what you are asking for.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra