Several things should be noted here I think. Now I am not recommending that anyone with a short chambered gun Rush out & get the chambers lengthened, "BUT", doing so does not automatically turn it into a "Dangerous" gun. Many bbls have adequate wall thickness to allow the longer chamber.
Proofing does not automatically guarantee a gun will never burst. Essentially there are three conditions which will cause a barrel to burst, A flaw in the bbl, An overload or an obstruction.
Proofing will catch some, but not all, flaws while having virtually no affect on the other two. As Larry pointed out from Bell's tests it took a tremendous overload to burst a barrel. Obstructions are still far & away the most commoncause of a burst bbl. Flaws have surfaced afyer much use & burst some bbls, many of which had been proofed.
It should also be noted that "MOST" of the cheap guns the Brit gunmakers were trying to remove from the market "PASSED" proof.
While it has been noted the British proof laws were mandated by the gunmakers, it is also noted they are not voluntary, but mandated. I am not totally familiar with how they are set up, but to emulate them in the US would require an "Act of Congress". The gun companies themselves could not make them legally binding.
Friends "WE Don't Want That to Happen Here" Period.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra