You guys are killing me with some of these inflammatory remarks. Would it surprise you to know I am a registered Republican and not a Tory as Nial may have indicated? Actually, however, I consider myself a Jeffersonian and believe in the premise that smaller government is best in most situations. But even Thomas Jefferson knew there was a time for larger government as illustrated by (and what some have considered an unconstitutional act) his purchase of the Louisiana Territory from the French. Now, we aren't talking about anything this grand but what we are talking about IMHO is the safety of our citizens who are purchasing guns, most of which are perfectly safe....a few are not, but rather quite dangerous. What sort of checks and balances do we have in this country to insure these guns whose barrels have been altered in some way (such as barrel honing, opening of chambers, etc) are safe? How do we know if a pro did the work or some clown in his garage with a brake hone? Well, let me tell you...we don't and the average joe on the street doesn't know jack sh*t about it and is rolling the dice when purchasing an altered gun. We can and should do better than this IMHO.

Socialism is almost the worst.