Russ, when you chose to ship to someone other than Ron, you gave up any ethical standing to question his description of the case when he received it. You have only the word of a 3rd party about it's condition when shipped to Ron. You have only Ron's word about it's condition when received. You choose to believe the 3rd party and accuse Ron of lying.

You became defensive and angry at Ron's intemperance about your unauthorized use of his case. You even acknowledge that you might have responded differently but for his attack on you. Does this make him a liar?

This statement shows self-justifying, even grandiose thinking based on your choice to demonize Ron:
"I don't sell out my principles to protect my pocketbook. Expediency is not in my vocabulary. That's for politicians.
Placating a CFH to keep him quiet is not being big, that's being small."

No. What's big is taking responsibility for a mistake, recognizing that you earned your customer's angry reaction, and giving benefit of the doubt where you failed your commitment to him and gave away control of the case.

Now as for small ... that seems to describe your offer of purchase credit rather than reimbursing expenses. Your first principle seems to be to win -- to save a buck or make a buck, both going and coming, and avoid any real out of pocket consequences for your actions.