
You screwed up by shipping guns in another customer's case without his knowledge or permission. You have no way of knowing the condition of the case when it finally arrived in Canada. The pre-shipping case photos you have posted here show the case with two guns in it. Two guns can hide a lot of small damage. You have offered Ron a $50 credit, rather than a check for $50. A credit is worthless to Ron, and you are not even valuing his time or trouble. There is no defense for your behavior or for your attitude. With each post, you seem to dig yourself a deeper hole. Even IF Ron is a CFH (and that is not a certainty), you should have settled this appropriately, and before it got to this stage.

I'm not a dealer, and even I keep a supply of sturdy cartons and a few hard cases around the house just for shipping expensive guns (Parker, L. C. Smith, etc., not junk). It's hard to believe that you don't have the means to ship guns that you are in the business of selling. I bought a used Browning hard case a couple years ago from Able Ammo in Texas, thought it wasn't as represented, they sent me a fresh one and told me to keep the damaged one. That's customer service. What the hell are you thinking?