BUY GOLD NOW....... Great Photos ALL. Expect more this fall. Geo. Love the photo of Trent getting on it quick. The reflexes of youth. Wade, your dog sure has it tough. My first registered field Golden was bought in 1988, a Top Brass pup named Cody. Brother and I have been raising and hunting with them since then. Randy
Glen and his Parker [dog and gun], great aunt to my Oakley. Parker is one terrific upland and waterfowl dog.

My Brachen, with brace of pheasants, Parker VH, Fox SW

Brother Glen and I with his Chitna and Caribou, ND

Glens Caribou and Hawken, Reeb 12ga.

My Timber after an exhausting coon hunt

MY 11 Month old, Oakley, as in Annie Oakley, first retrieve last fall on a preserve hunt