The last itme this moronic topic arose I felt compelled to comment at length. Except for coule quickies I'll refrain from that this time. I'd suggest that the "carry-ability" of a gun is so important that Rocketman should explore a machine to quantify that along with the equally important "MOI". And that whole concept or WTF you you categorize it of differing "point-ability" is so lame as to beggar imagining. Suggesting that the mere arrangement of a double gun's barrels can detectably differentiate a gun's dynamics has to rank right up there near the top of Old Wives' Gun Tales. I mean, I've heard some incredible contradictions to the generally accepted laws of the physical universe as we currently know them from other sources but this one is right there with them.

This would all be wonderfully amusing if I didn't think that some of you are serious. hahahaha

have a day

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