Ingrid Tichy Vyhmister's Tichy example:
I wonder what the "Patent 132762" stamp refers to?

Note the weight variation at the 1965 proof.

Those barrels were proofed in Liege in 1925 (lower cased d is 1925, 1965 was a lower cased d )

They bear a little seen mark. The mark of barrels exported to a foreign proof house.

I believe that the N is the mark of Max Neumann. Max Neumann deposited 2 marks one in 1924 with the Raick Brothers and another in 1947, H in a rhombus He was active from 1905 to 1954.

The Neumann Brothers used an N inside a hunting horn, a light house with a beacon, NF in a circle, N with a small N below it, the head of Leopard and FN in a double circle. Both also had several trade names registered.
