Its not your zip code its your global warming views that win the title !

Lessee - a gun owner who votes Republican most of this time (and hopefully just voted Frank out of office) - I think you have the wrong guy.

Then again it was another nonliberal (a Republican senator) who said the following in the past year:

It makes sense to me that the planet is heating up because you can measure heat. It's not a stretch to say that what goes into the air is contributing to global warming, but I don't want to be in the camp that says I know people in Northern Virginia will never see snow. At the end of the day, I think carbon pollution is worthy of being controlled, whether you believe in global warming or not. I do believe that all the CO2 gases, greenhouse gases from cars, trucks, and utility plants is not making us a healthier place, is not making our society better, and it's coming at the expense of our national security and our economic prosperity. So put me in the camp that it's worthy to clean up the air and make money doing so. This idea that carbon's good for you. I want that debate. There's a wing of our party who thinks carbon pollution is okay. I'm not in that wing.

I just think it's bad … the reason I don't hang out in traffic jams and get out and suck up the wind is I think this crap is bad for you. We've had an increase in asthma cases. If you've ever been to Thailand stuck behind 400 motorcycles, it's a lousy place to be. It doesn't take a rocket scientist in my view to understand that the stuff floating in the Gulf, if you burn it doesn't make it better for you. If you wouldn't go swimming in this stuff, why would you burn it and want to breath it?

I do believe the environmental benefit of a low carbon economy is worth the Republican party's time and attention. Does climate change have to be your religion? No, it is not my religion, it is my concern.

My "global warming views" are simply that we need more scientific debate on this issue without all the political labeling and diatribe. (The foregoing quote is a pretty good example of what happens when politics takes the place of science).

Such a long, long time to be gone, and a short time to be there.