Typical moonbat thinking from a mass liberal (ala "bwany fwank")


"Just when you thought you finally saw the last of that silly, disproven "hockey-stick" model of global warming, it rears it's silly little head again. Two sensible
scientists discuss the background of the infamous graph that supposedly portrayed global temperature fluctuations over the last millennium as having been basically flat until the last 100 years, when "Evil Mankind" started that "Evil Industrial Revolution" thing, which has now doomed our planet. Only problem: the hockey stick was a fabrication
. And yet, these scientists have found this bit of revisionist history in a new college climatology textbook.

The infamous hockey stick has been known to be a fallacious statistical manipulation for four years. And yet, faced with actual facts, the "academic" climate change alarmists who write our textbooks prefer lies to scientific evidence. The only way to push their agenda is to obscure, confuse, and infuse a new generation of innocents with the ludicrous impression that mankind is to blame for some nonexistent trend toward unending global warming.

Following formation of our dense atmospherre (from, yes, greenhouse gases), for most of the historical global temperature fluctuation, and that ultimate barbecue-esque end of our planet, we have largely the Sun to blame.

Global warming myths:


Hillary For Prison 2018