I do not put that much stock into anything which has been accurately measured for only a very short time. If tempatures are tracked for 50 or 100 years you get a upward swing that everyone worries about but this is like looking at one thousandth second and thinking that you understand the entire day. Snap shots are a poor substitute to the complete picture of time.

Trends are more important than instant perspective but it is a major mistake to jump at each trend. When I was growing up we were being told that global cooling was a certain fact and a few told us we were doomed. Now a few tell us that global warming will result in our total demise. I suspect that the truth will disappoint them.

More important will be how we adapt to the changes that are coming. Many seem fixed on limiting use of resources when you would be better off thing about ways to be more efficient. Instead of gun control I think we need population control in many areas. If the world population goes from six to ten billion in the next 30 years, as many predict, we will have a lot more problems than just global warming/cooling. Fresh water and food will be stretched to the max. And history shows that basic needs of food and water will be met or any government will fail in short order.