O.K., who purchased it???

I think I may have cracked the code on the "K.S." initial on the Lindner Daly tubes. At first I had guessed it to be a craftsman such as Karl Schlegelmilch, although I cannot say such a person existed. The Schlegelmilch folk seemed to be everywhere with Emil Schlegelmilch being a partner/principal in Greifeldt. Getting back to the "K.S." I now think it was Karl Streng of Goldlauter and after 1900 up till WWI was listed in Suhl but the area may have included Goldlauter. I also think Karl Streng to be the son, or grandson, of Heinrich Streng who in the mid 1800s was listed as a "Rohrverschrauber" and I'm not really sure of the translation. Peter Weiß(1892-1872?? probably of the Goldlauter Weißs) passed thru the shop of Karl Streng & Company in the early 1900s as an apprentice and went on in 1923 to be the proofmaster at the Zella-Mehlis proofhouse. It seems that Lindner, both Georg & H.A., sourced the master craftsmen in small communities surrounding Suhl. I still hold that the "R.S." to be for Robert Schlegelmilch but if Heinrich Streng had another decendent with the 1st initial of "R.", he could have easily been sourced by the Lindners.

Kind Regards,
