Jug choking can work very well, assuming that the barrels in question have sufficient wall thickness to accomodate them. It is an old technique but a good one.

Three things might be considered, however:

First, recess chokes do not always perform their best with loads that use plasic wads. I suspect that at least some these wads do not always allow shot charges to "spread" inside the "jug" sufficiently to allow the constriction in the "choke" to do its job optimally. At least, that has been my experience.

Next, FWIW, "jugged" chokes do not usually lend themselves to optimal accuracy using solid projectiles. Accuracy can be pretty "cattywumpus" after barrels are jug choked.

Finally, even after barrels are "jugged" the shooter is still limited to just one choke per barrel. If this is a potential problem, the installation of a set of Briley "Thin Wall" choke tubes might be a desirable option.