Poor taste? First you insult, then say you were only kidding, then take the same arrogant attack to another thread? Now who is sticking up for a bud???? Mr. Murphy, not that someone as knowledgable or fine and upstanding and the obvious and ultimate taste and character meister around here can't have an opinion, but at least stick to it. Shouldn't be ashamed to attack the proletariat, should we now, ater all? And by the way, my comments should in no way be insinuated as an attack on Mr. Hurst, who obviously is a man of character and many people speak highly of. Unlike all of us that don't have or had 400 guns, huh Murph? Ps. My apology no longer valid. Enjoy your opinions, and I'll enjoy the guns I can afford however I see fit. And who the heck suggested violence Greg?


"Sometimes too much to drink is not enough" Mark Twain