Hello Curl,

An interesting article and I do hope your loads shoot well. If I can be permitted to make one observation. I have examined over the past 50 years several hundred paper patched bullets taken from British BP Express rifles, from both solid and coiled brass cases. In every instance the turn over of the patch onto the bullets base was seldom more than 3/16th's of an inch. Many of the bullets examined had concave or slightly concave bases. Not once have I ever found a PP bullet with a twisted tail which seems to be advocated by so many Americans.

The paper patch is supposed to break free from the bullet within a few feet of leaving the muzzle, the larger the turnover of the paper patch the more chance that at least part of it will be pressure adhered to the base of the bullet.

I suppose in Black Powder Express PP rounds it isn't vital because they were only used at short range but in Long Range target shooting it is vital the patch leave the bullet every time and at a short distance from the muzzle.


Biology is the only science where multiplication can be achieved by division.