So, we're now at the point where we need to order from Mike or the deal is off, is that correct? The price point may not be as good, but there will be far less hassle for all concerned, and Mike does allow ordering in smaller quantities as well. I'm personally still not crazy about black as my only color choice (would have preferred purple, blue, or green), but hey, any port in a storm...

It appears you are correct. Chedditte appears to be the only ones willing to deal in these small (50k) quantities. The main hassle is the distribution of a bulk order. With a commercial source available that goes away.

As for the color. Chedditte does not make the paper the tube for the hull. They outsource it. My understanding is that it would take a special order of 2 million hulls to change the color. On the upside of this. A great thing was done. The participants of this bbs created enough attention to this niche that a commercial distributor took it on as part of his product line. I am hoping that he completely sells out.

A special thank you goes to Tinker who asked the question and then pursued the options!
