You may know this but if you believe the old English makers a gun should weigh 96 times it's charge. So a gun proofed for a 1 oz charge should weigh 6 lbs and most English 16's weigh just about this. A 12 proofed for 1 1/8 oz should be about 6 lbs 12 oz and most are in the neighborhood of 6 lbs 12 oz. To get a sub 6 lb gun you need an English 20 bore proofed for 7/8 oz. These should weigh about 5 lbs 4 oz. If the guns weigh substantially less then the barrels may be a might thin. If more maybe someone wanted it ordered up this way.

As Rocketman said you will find 12's down around 6 lbs but these are usually 2" guns and I think those are proofed for 1 oz but I am not sure of that.

Last edited by Chicago; 06/07/09 04:43 PM.