A couple weeks shy of 15 months after my paid in full order, and still nothing. At this point I'm not holding out any hope of a delivery by Christmas. I havn't called to ask about a delivery date, and of course I havn't heard a peep out of CSM/Galazan. It's funny to me that when someone posts a critical comment about the long delay and lack of communication, someone almost always defends CSM/Galazan. Likewise, when people post about problems with a gun received, there is always someone willing to comment about how CSM fixes problems with their new RBLs propmtly, great customer service, etc. I can recall Ruger getting the S**T kicked out of them by some folks on this board and the SSM board when it took too long to bring the Gold Label to market, or how the wood to metal fit wasn't perfect on the GL or the wood was proud, etc, etc. It's funny how Ruger got beat up and down about issues with the Gold Label, but when it comes to the RBL, suddenly it's "well, it's a 2500 - 3000 shotgun, you can't expect it to be perfect". I will cancel my order at the end of the month, and I won't look back. With upgrades I spent almost 3500 on my RBL, and there are plenty of high quality guns on the market in the same price range. I'm sure that I'll get flamed for making critical comments, but there has to be a few folks out there who agree with me. There, now I've vented and I feel better.