Regarding Elektro I may have been mistaken and Poldi used the – Fredrik Adolf Kjellin(Stockholm) furnace and not the Hermann Roechling Elektro furance:;lr=#PPA193,M1 . I don't know which came first, the chicken or the egg, but Fredrik Adolf Kjellin in 1900 pushed the well known iron mill at Gysinge, Sweden to the forefront of steel technology by the use of the electric furnace or using the aid of electricity to produce steel. The mill closed in 1926. But Fredrik Adolf Kjellin holds a 1905 patent for the process: . And Hermann Roechling applied for a patent or similar technology, or an advance of existing technology, in 1906: . I can't say Kjellin and Roechling were seperate entities for now or weren't connected in some way.

As a side note, Erich Becker of Germany, Dr. of Engineering?, was responsible for some of the advances at Poldi: .

Kind Regards,


Last edited by ellenbr; 05/06/09 10:42 AM.