Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Brian, #1. No #2. Yes, an uncompromising stand on censorship lacks reason/some speech is dangerous and must be limited...yelling FIRE in a crowded room is the usual example.

I am conflicted (this must be evident from my post) on the issue of black guns. What I think I believe in is what the Supreme Court ruled in the DC gun-ban case; that is that the Constitution is clear that the Right of the PEOPLE to bear arms shall not be infringed...but subject to the right of the government to reasonably regulate this Right. Just like Free Speech.

I said I was wrong a lot...Geo

By the way, I was once an infantry officer just like you...long ago. My best wishes to you while you are over there; and THANKS!

George, thanks.
A few more observations:

1. should we restrict internet and go after people who digitally yell fire in a movie house with all of their outright lies and fabrications (left and right) that cause panic, confusion and hate???We already have what i consider 'reasonable restrictions" on gun ownership; felons and minors cant legally buy them. what more do we need?

The "reasonable proposals that we hear about pertain and apply to lawful users only. Why must my lawful use be restricted. Shouldn’t it be for those who plan to cause harm or who have given up their rights through felony conviction be restricted??
3. Black rifles: what’s the big deal. Just the reference to "black Rifles" conjures up all kinds of negative images. That’s why the antis use that term so much in a negative way. Same as the "extremists use the phrase "Black Helicopters".

Anyway, we can agree to disagree. However i do not feel its extremist to refuse to compromise on rules that punish me as a law abiding citizen, control, restrict and prohibit my lawful and legal use, yet do not stop illegal activities.

On top of that, I have to prove that i am innocent which flies in the face of our legal system , when it comes to being able to purchase a firearm. Unlike many other far more deadly devices and items that require no restrictions.

I wonder if people would raise hell if “reasonable restrictions” similar to those for firearms ownership were placed on cell phones and computers, considering the amount of illegal activity they facilitate. After all, they would be reasonable restrictions.

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