Will S.....Mr Schefelbein pretty much put you in your place! But, what the hell; I'll pile on anyway.........
"aren't ready to paint a bullseye on my back...."
You assumed the position of wearing a bullseye on your back, when you shrugged into your Leftist tee shirt.
"and there are legitimate arguments to be made in support of those who advocate other approaches or who disagree with the majority view of this board."
No, their aren't ANY legitimate arguments.....That was the point of my original e-mail. ( Another bumpersticker: )What part of 'The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed' don't you understand??????
"We should be able to disagree without being disagreeable."
No! When you are dead wrong, you don't get to disagree....
This ain't no high school debating class. Your 1st Amendment rights are not worth the paper they are printed on; without my 2nd Amendment rights to guarantee them.
You gave an e-mail addy in your profile that don't work. And I gave you my number, and you declined to call me.......You must be rather unsure of your position on gun rights.... Grant.