Brian --
My initial post was directed at the one-sided, and in some instances, deliberately (Mindless as I said, but this may have been ill-advised) provocative stone throwing at those who take a stance on the opposite side of the posters on this thread. I expected some heat, but had no intention of answering personal attacks nor of elaborating on my own beliefs. I just wanted it understood that this forum should not be an echo chamber and there are legitimate arguments to be made in support of those who advocate other approaches or who disagree with the majority view of this board. Let me be clear about this. I don't have an agenda and I don't promote legislation. If I'm presented with a choice, I'll try to listen to both sides. I simply feel that to lump all gun control legislation into one unacceptable boxlot is both short sighted and counter-productive. The best way to express this are quotes from a McIntosh column on this exact subject: "There are no simple answers to complex questions. The real answer lies somewhere in the middle, where it's hard to hear the voices of reason because of so much hysterical shrieking ..." "Nothing is ever as simple as the lunatic fringes would have it be."
There are, unfortunately, these fringes on both sides. You, and others on this board, who believe so strongly and passionately on gun rights and object to any legislation do not do yourselves or your cause any favor by ranting and name calling. And then too, not all who disagree with you are your enemy. You asked what specifically I would support or cite. Difficult question in detail. I have no problem with registration and licensing. I've done the paperwork and classwork for hand-gun permits. I don't believe there should be unrestricted carry laws. I'm not much in favor of automatic weapons. I believe certain areas should be gun free, even though I'm of a generation that could take a gun to school and nobody thought you were there to blow away your least favorite teacher. I guess, ultimately, I don't subscribe to the Domino theory that gun regulation is the leading edge for gun banishment. I don't find it any more convincing than the theory was for world-wide Communist domination, that too, being a part of my generational received wisdom.
Finally, I would point you to the Michael McIntosh column I mentioned earlier (and for which he was pilloried, but did not lose his job as Zumbo did) in the May/June 1989 issue of SPORTING CLASSICS magazine. It contains my views, reservations and uncertainties about guns and regulations. If you can, read it. McIntosh has a fluid style and it's a thoughtful article.
Brian, I am not against you or any of the others on this board for your beliefs on this issue. I am against thoughtless name calling, rancorous partisanship and invective directed at groups in a scatter-shot manner. We should be able to disagree without being diagreeable. I wish you well --- in all sincerity.