Thank you, very well said..........

The best indicator of any recession are the financial institutions and the people who invest most of the money, in any country.....Our new president has taken it upon himself to "punish" these people and the consequences will be quite dire, I believe......
In this country there is a very small portion of citizens that pay over 50% of the Federal taxes...if these taxpayers become disenfranchised, they will merely remove their money....the obvious then takes present, this administration is quite close to disenfranchising these people.....and horrible things will occur, quite surely, like a NEVER SEEN BEFORE VERY DEEPENING it is like walking on eggs right now, as the WORLD stock market reflects....and Obama is doing all he can to smash the eggs.....!!! .......There lies the overwhelming problem.........Not to mention the gun issues, the perks, Pelosi's useless trips on taxpayer paid aircraft, unchecked liberal posturing and legislation.....and so on...

F.Y.I.........Obama has not "accepted this burden himself" like some hero.....Clinton's 8 years are the reason the economy is now in a mess......Clinton changed laws he should NOT have messed with..........the Iraq war did the rest......Then OPEC decided to raise oil, with one purpose in mind and it worked, all because Clinton and the tree hugger's wouldn't drill in the 90's .....BUT WHEN ATTACKED, ONE MUST RESPOND....IMHO.......Had it been Toronto, you folks would have done the same......although, I do believe that Obama would not respond if attacked, so portions of the world are very happy right now......!

Best Regards,
