King Brown:

It is funny that you defend this President to the extent that you do, especially being a Canadian must be a decendent of the black people that the British took to Nova Scotia after they lost the revolutionary war, the ones who aligned themselves with the British and were promised freedom ?.... Most of them went later in fourteen ships with the British to Freetown, Africa to be truly free and start their own colony..., but some stayed in Nova I correct ??....Not really important, but just an intelligent guess.....due to your steadfast Obama defense...!...You are consistently the only one on this post to defend Obama and YOU are CANADIAN.... ??

As I travel around the world monthly, I have met no one who trusts or admires Obama and most are very leery of this is obvious in his speeches that he is full of B.S. and untruths...!....Anyone with an I.Q. over 40 can see this and it is all coming out now...... The countries visited recently would include most of Asia, most of Europe, Australia and a few South American friendlies......No African continent countries though.....I still fly one cargo trip internationally per month usually......and talk to lots of "men on the street" know, the REAL representation of most countries.....

I'm not sure where you are getting your information, but if it is off of the electronic toilet (internet), then you have been sadly misled sir...........

Best Regards,
