Dr. Sam Vaknin PhD writes:
Dr. Vaknin has written extensively about narcissism....
Obama's posture and body language are louder than his empty words....Obama's speeches are unlike any political speech we have heard in American history.....Never a politician in this land had such quasi "religious" impact on so many people....The fact that Obama is a total incognito with ZERO accomplishments, makes this enexplicable infatuation alarming !....Obama is not an ordinary man....he is not a genius.."IN FACT HE IS QUITE IGNORANT ON MOST IMPORTANT SUBJECTS"....
Dr. Sam Vaknin, author of the Malignant Self-Love believes "Obama appears to be a NARCISSIST"....When Dr. Vaknin talks about narcissism, everyone listens.........
Testimonies from Obama's closest and nearest disclose that Obama is either a narcissist or he may have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)....
Narcissists project "grandiose" but FALSE images of themselves.....David Koresh, Charles Manson, Stalin, Saddam, Mao and Adolf Hitler are a few examples of narcissists in our time....!
If an issue raised in the Senate does not help Obama in one way or another, he has no interest in it. The "present" vote, is a safe vote......hence his voting record.....Those issues are unworthy by their very nature, because they are "not about him"....The Harvard Law review asked Obama to write about race relations in this country...The University of Chicago Law School provided him longer than expected and it evolved into "guess what".....his own autobiography !....Instead of writing a scholarly paper focusing on race relations, for which he had been paid, Obama could not resist writing about his sublime self...he entitled the book "Dreams from My Father"....
Surprisingly, Adolf Hitler also wrote his own autobiography when he "was still nobody".....So did Stalin.....!
Narcissists are often callous and even ruthless, as the norm, they lack conscience....this is evident from Obama's lack of interest in his own brother who lives on a dollar a month...he is a man who lives in luxury, who takes a private jet to Hawaii for vacation and raised a record half-billion dollars in his campaign, but has NO INTEREST in the plight of his brother....Why, ??....because his brother cannot be used for his ascent to power.....The narcissist cares for no one but himself...
The Democrats have placed all their hopes on Obama....Pathological narcissists are dangerous because they look normal and even intelligent.....to him reality and fantasy are intertwined....this is a MENTAL health issue, not just a character flaw....this disguise makes him dangerous.....
The great majority of blacks decided to vote for Obama...only a fool does not know that their support for him was racially driven....This is racism, pure and simple. The downside is that if Obama turns out to be a disaster, WHICH I PREDICT, he will cause widespread resentment among the whites....
The blacks are unlikely to give up their support of their man...Cultic mentality is pernicious and unrelenting. They will dig their heads deeper into the sand and blame Obama's detractors of racism.....This will cause a backlash among the whites.....
Obama will set the clock back decades...America is the bastion of freedom....the peace of the world depends on the strength of the U.S.A......and its weakness translates into the triumph of terrorism and victory of rogue nations.
It is no wonder that Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez, the Castrists, the Hezbollah, the Hamas and the lawyers of the Guantanamo terrorists and virtually all sworn enemies of the U.S. are so thrilled by the fact that their man is in the White House.....the U.S.A. is on the verge of destruction. THERE IS NO INSANITY GREATER THAN ELECTING A PATHOLOGICAL NARCISSIST AS PRESIDENT...
