Well, it has worked for the most part,but D. C. residents went a lot of years without rights you take for granted in Pennsylvania... even in spite of Gov. Rendells' efforts. Now we find ourselves in a situation where Obamas' Chicago Mafia is moving the Census Dep't. into the White House under the control of Raum Emmanuel. I can hardly wait to see the lines of congressional re-districting that will result. Then we have ACORN getting billions of dollars of so-called bailout money as payola for delivering past and future elections. My great but fading hope is that former Penna. Asst. Attorney General Phillip Berg is successful in getting the non U. S. citizen who is illegally occupying the White House removed and deported. See http://www.obamacrimes.com

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.