What is happening to our country you ask ...??

As Alan Keys explains in his video, and he is a black conservative, the current administration will destroy this country during this current four year term, far beyond what "anybody realizes", especially the losers that voted for Hussien Obama.......there will be enough legislative damage that it will not be repaired.....therefore, our country as we know it, will be forever negatively damaged and changed.........and that is a fact.........and that is what the dummies voted for....CHANGE......

It is the beginning of the saddest evolution in the history of the U.S.A.....ALL BECAUSE "STUPID" PEOPLE VOTED FOR "STUPID" PEOPLE......

The current gun sales reflect this..........
The current stock market reflects this..........
Consumer confidence reflects this...........
Foreign relations reflect this...........
World attitude reflects this..........

AND SO ON........
