Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
what is happening to our country? the only small bore rifle i own is mod. 99 chambered for .300sav.
perhaps i should get me that ar15a2 and couple flat green tins to go with it?

Whats happening in this Country?
Unfortunately the Country is polarized as never before. I personally feel I have little to nothing in common with the Obama supporters and I supect they feel the same way about the likes of me. Just listen to what one of the ACORN Members is saying in this interview and you'll understand where I'm coming from:

I was brought up in a working class/blue collar staunch Democratic household. My beliefs haven't changed since my early years but the Democratic party has shifted so far to the left that it would have been in concert with the Communist part of my youth. I hate to bring politics back into this discussion but I think it's the only way you can explain what's happening with gun purchases today.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.