Part of the end run the D.C. city council is attempting to circumvent the recent Supreme Court ruling (Heller vs. D.C.) is to ban any clip fed gun capable of holding more than 10 rounds. But this also includes your .22 with a five round clip merely because someone may sell or make a clip for that gun capable of holding more. No gun is safe from any gun banner. No Constitutional right is safe from anyone who would infringe on the 2nd Amendment. A related thread several days ago chronicled the efforts, marches, and protests by angry former gun owners in Canada and elsewhere. That is reactive. Maybe too little too late. Will we also wait until it's too late to react? Isn't that motivation enough to do something beforehand? Have you called-written-e-mailed your senators and congressmen yet to let them know where you expect them to stand? Have you joined and supported the NRA? Or do you just plan to let others carry the load for you, and then whine when you lose something precious?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.