Good call Ben-T. I wouldn't know a Diggory from a "play your Diggery-Doo" nor do I care a whit about Limey guns- try and find 2&1/2" short shells at Mammoth-Mart during bird season-or cricket season. What "Da Dig-ster" forgets is: American boxlock ejector guns, at least the superior ones like the Fox, the Ithaca NID, the Parker and the "King of 4140 AISI" the great Model 21- all kicked some Limey "arse" in the John Olin test- the overpriced Purdey blew apart after 60 rounds, the M21 went 2000 (1000 in each barrel) then was stripped down and gauged for wear-Nope-NONE they could find, re-assembled and went right on a shooting. Ask the Limey's to build you a single trigger double- they'll defer with their olde "two barrels-two triggers" and the M21, even without Jack O'Connor's great "cheer-leading" is the ONLY boxlock ejector grade double I would buy with a factory single trigger, next the Fox-Kautsky--And old "Cactus Jack" wrote in 1965 The Shotgun Book- "A fine English made double, or even better, a matched pair- is a status symbol, like a yacht or a French mistress- We kicked the Redcoats out in 1779-status be damned, and American shotgunners/hunters favor heavy loads-game is still somewhat open to all, not a priviledge of the rich and inter-bred as in England, and we have "rough shooting", not a floosy grouse moor or a driven pheasant shoot with peasants doing the driving and Lord Faunteroy doing the shooting (or shooting at). Collecting fine British double guns is like the Matzloff-Ponzi recent stock market "crap game" rigged in favor of the "insiders" and the average Joe 12-Pack who longs for a nice used 12 gauge Model 21 to use afield is priced out of even that market by the "hustlers" and insiders-and the dead rooster your bird dog just retrieved for you doesn't much know if he died from a shotload from an 870 or from a Holland & Holland Royal-

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..