Writers write for the readers enjoyment and many readers want to have their viewpoint confirmed in what they read. Bear this in mind when you read a article. Those which do not go with the flow seem to be rather rare. Hard to get published if the editor does not want to publish your work.

Dig makes a few real point and confirms a few solidly held views at the same time. It boils down to American buyers seem to like high original condition more than higher grade guns with heavy wear or lots of refinishing. It is like buying antiques. Original condition and lack of wear is king and heavily refinished or well worn will destroy the collectors interest.

One other thing that I think needs to be considered. Most Americans can easily own many guns, not just a single or a few. So we can afford to put a premium on condition over higher grades or quantity over quality of one high grade gun or several worn out guns. My gun room has multiple Lefevers, Fox, etc.... If I could own only one gun I might try to make it as high grade as I could. But given the choice of one 30-50K gun or many guns for the same money I like the variety. If I lived in a country where more than one gun was a real problem to own I might go for only a best gun.