Friday, January 16, 2009

Following pressure from upset hunters and facing legal action, Governor David Paterson (D) and Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Chair Pete Grannis have decided that the Reynolds Pheasant Preserve, a last-of-its-kind pheasant-breeding operation open since 1927, will remain open.

Last month's announcement that the farm would close set off a chain of events culminating in a suit filed by the New York Rifle and Pistol Association, the National Rifle Association, the National Shooting Sports Foundation and the Conservation Alliance of New York. The groups requested and were granted a restraining order to halt the destruction of the pheasants until it could be determined whether they were paid for with monies derived from excise taxes collected from firearm and ammunition sales.

Please call Governor Paterson and thank him for reconsidering the farm's fate. You can contact the Governor by phone at (518) 474-8390.