We survived 4 years of WW II with the most liberal President up to that point in charge. If the Germans hadn't invaded Russia I doubt if we would have even been involved in that aspect of the war since the resident socialists and communists were firmly against our particiation. Whether we would have ended up at war with the Japanese is a moot point and another matter entirely.
We are now embarking upon a 4 year period unprecedented in American history with a President who makes Roosevelt look like a moderate. We will have to endure a great deal during this period of that I am certain.
However this journey through the "Twi-Light Zone" will pass and reason and logic will prevail again and in retrospect we'll be looking back on this period as an aberent time similiar to the Carter Presidency. Time has not been kind to the liberal/socialists who surface here periodically. Have any of you ever wondered why not ONE of the Presidents on Mt. Rushmore is a Democrat? Furthermore the only President that has been proposed as an addition to Mt Rushmore has been Ronald Reagan.

Last edited by italiansxs; 11/09/08 10:23 AM.

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