King it boils down to we pay taxes up the ying yang, espically those of us who may employ others and do not sit home watching MTV Cribs and Ophra all day. By the looks of things we are going to have to pay even more for people that do. And for a plethera of new entitlement programs. But that is the fear, look at Wall Street it is terrified of the new administration also.

The republicans arrogance caused an inability to read or even care about the middle class dissatisfaction. That is the feeling that I get with the party of the BUSHIES, they do not give a sh*t about anybody (except Chaney and Rumsfield and OIL) and the people really feel that.

But what is still amazing to me, is our ecomemy is a disaster, we are bogged down in 2 wars, Bush has the Midas touch in reverse(in as everything he touches turns to crap), McCain could not remember if Joe the Plumber was in his presents each night and they picked either a) a dizzy chick from Alaska, or b) someone that just was not ready for the job and if so, shame on them. And even with all of that the Demacrats still only won by 6%. HMMMMMMMMM.