Originally Posted By: davidm

I'm sure we agree on a lot of things, and I'm not trying to pick a fight, but before concluding that "We will experience the greatest redistribution of wealth this country ahs ever seen... we will see the greatest increase inj taxes this country has ever seen," it's worth taking a look at income tax rates in the U.S. from a historical perspective:


I don't like high taxes either, but it's hard to imagine even in the worst case that upper bracket rates under Obama will be anywhere near as redistributive as they were for much of the 20th century.
Davidm, Most of us here are probably old enough to remember the days when the wealthy were in 90% tax brackets. We also remember that virtually all of those wealthy folks were savvy enough to have their accountants exploit a myriad of loopholes that allowed them to pay little or nothing. Enough of those loopholes have been eliminated or reduced that what Obama proposes will have a chilling effect in comparison to the era you cite. Later, you take someone here to task, asking if they even read the link you posted. I would suggest that you also do a little more reading. Instead of swallowing what Obama says, look at what he has done in his short career, especially as it relates to his outright attacks on the Second Amendment. You are now on a Shotgun Forum. You will not find many of us agreeing with your enthusiasm for Obama. Most of us have seen these tactics used before. You have obviously drank the Kool-Aid, but you seem intelligent enough that I have high hopes that you will X-ray the Trojan Horse and see what danger lurks inside. Seriously, before you respond, check his record on handguns, semi-automatics, concealed carry, ammunition bans, firearms taxes, FFL dealer restrictions, self defense in the home, magazine capacities, appointments of pro 2nd Amendment judges, ad nauseum. Please show us proof that we can trust him with our gun rights, not by what he says, but by what he has done. This little excercise will be the beginning of the healing process. The realization that you have been fooled may be a bitter pill, but we're pulling for you and I really hope you will come back from the brink. P.S., I truthfully wasn't all that enthused with McCain either.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.