Originally Posted By: King Brown
Jim, Obama's voting record hasn't a gnat's eyelash of influence on the electorate in this election. No one mows their lawn when the roof is on fire.
So are we to believe that the best way to save our house is to douse the flaming roof with gasoline? It is very sad that the electorate has raised the bar when it comes to drinking the Kool-Aid. Sadder still that we seem to have so many gun owners here in complete denial about Obamas' record on gun ownership. Frankly, as an Endowment NRA Life member, I'm getting a little sick of carrying the water (along with a few million other members) for the other 35 million or so gun owners who can't seem to find 2 or 3 bucks a month to defend the Second Amendment. Please spare me the lame excuses, I've heard them all. Pmag seems to be gone and I say good riddance. Now we have Nialmac and a few others spouting the same stupidity. I'll repeat now what I said in a prior thread on the threat Obama poses to gun owners... and the gun owners foolish enough to support him and Biden: They (the Obama supporters) remind me of those folks who believe that a convicted pedophile has reformed, and then allow the pedophile to baby-sit their children.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.