Originally Posted By: Pete
We are in deep Kukai now. It looks like we kept 44 senators at the moment. That is the ONLY thing we have going for us. If he follows his Marxist past, he will be a one term president and we will gain in the off year elections. We need to start preparing a decent candidate quickly.

The GOP had an EXCELLENT candidate....Ron Paul

He was thrown to the curb based on one policy, which by the way is not going to work out to your liking anyway. Too bad the GOP base didn't have the foresight to figure that out. It's really a shame that the 'base' have acted like the deaf, dumb & blind monkeys, mindlessly following George Bush's policies to an Obama victory.

I could go on and on about the stupidity the GOP has displayed here of late but I wont. I will say this though.....Ron Paul had the grass roots, the money, the organization, just like Obama. Paul could have pulled it off. McCain never had a chance. You were warned but did not listen so you made the bed, we'll all have to sleep in it. Hindsight being 20/20 Paul looks a whole hell of a lot better now than what you've got!

The GOP did not deserve to win this election, it's that simple. A hard pill to swallow but an honest one.