"But your wisecracks and jokes are a weak counter to facts and evidence." It has been anything but facts within this presidential race, even from right wing republicans. I was not trying to counter facts and evidence, because many of these "facts and evidence" were started to breed fear in voters. And it certainly has among gunners. Hence I was just left to make light of everyone being so scared of an intelligent black democrat.

"It becomes more apparent why you started this thread." I actually thought the forums could get back to discussing guns not fear of liberals. After this became just one more thread telling about new found "facts", videos, information, and all to perpetuate fear, I simply gave up on my original thought.

"You wished to appeal to the genteel sensitivities of many here, and supress any discussion of a candidate who is a threat to the Second Amendment." What threat? He said he supports your individual gun rights but you choose not to believe him even though you believe his opponent when he says thevery same thing.

"You also miscalculated and now have the unintended consequence of 6 pages (and counting) of posts that you have been impotent to refute, save for glib jabs lacking substance or intelligence." Have you heard me trying to refute them? I can recognize walls when I see them. And six pages just proves my point, a thread can't be started anymore without fear of democrats taking hold.

"DRM,thinks its a big joke.Of course he and other antigun supporters,OWD pmag and possum hunter, will not be laughing and joking shortly if Obama wins." What, you think I am in these forums and an NRA member because I am anti-gun?

"We must as gun owners rememebr who stands with us and who does not." You mean white male right-ring republicans, correct?

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." Your current white male right-ring republican president has taken more of your liberty away than all the other presidents combined.

"Only a left wing liberal quiche eater could possibly reach the conclusion the Obama has changed his position on gun control." Here we go, now the bleeding lefties are implied to be gay, or does "quiche eater" imply something else? Why don't you tell me why you think Obama is lying now in what he is saying? Is your John McCain still saying it's a fundamentally strong economy?

"My recommendation to the rest of the membership here is to IGNORE anything further posted by this gang that's not factual." Why don't you reference public records to prove the "facts" and not rely internet political hearsay?

When did so many gun owners become single-minded one issue voters, or have they always been that way and I just never saw it so blatant until this election?

Why do you think Obama is the boogeyman that your grandmother told you stories about?