Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
The ole' guy is brighter than the Dumbo we have now. In eight disasterous years he has ruined our once great contry beyond repair. I watched the last debate (missed first 2 due to work schedule) and heard it was Ole' Boys best effort and that is scarry. I thought he was going to blow a vein, sooooo unlike leader who should remain composed and cool under pressure.
Amazingly, I watched the same debate and did not see McCain come close to blowing a vein. Maybe we see what we want to see? I did see Obama become very defensive when John called him on his association with Bill Ayers. I had hoped he would continue on offense and go into his relationships with the criminals who brought down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, slipped him a Chicago mansion, shared cocain and other drugs with him (remember the furor over Bushs' DUI arrest as a young man?), and please don't forget the anti American Rev. Wright and the Muslim "destroy Israel" extremist who got him into Harvard. I also hoped John would delve into the large contributions the Obama campaign funneled into ACORN so that dead people and Mickey Mouse could vote for him. Let's not forget that as a "community activist" lawyer for ACORN, Obama filed lawsuits against lending institutions for not giving mortgagaes to poor folks who could not meet onerous criteria for loans such as having a job, downpayment, or ability to repay. Blame that on Bush too, right? As far a great leaders being cool and composed under pressure, I'll take an Andrew Jackson who shot a couple men and threatened to kill his vice president over the smooth and polished and well rehearsed Stepford Wife Obama who will tell the sheeple what they want to hear, and then do the bidding of his puppeteer, George Soros.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.