Yeah, I kind of thought so from some of your previous postings. We worked closely with 1st Force as you know and some of our guys ended up with Force . Do you remember a Sgt. Lefthand? or a kid named Fleishmen? They were both badly wounded with Ist Force. I wanted to go be in Ist Force but so bad I could taste it but ended up with 3rd Battalion and when my buddy was killed never followed up in being reassigned.Sure was a lot of hard work but with the greatest people I have ever known,for the most part.I still have my "Alice" pack and a lot of my other gear,the guys sent it to me when I rotated.I loved seeing the country and wildlife when not being occupied with staying alive.I'd love to go back and get lost in the area weat of Danang known as "Charlie Ridge".Still looking for the 30 foot python we were always worried about stepping on.